The GLC Junior Handbook

The  Junior Crew Handbook provides information about Green Lake’s Junior Crew program and rowing in general. An essential primer for those new to the sport!


Home Regattas

Green Lake hosts three regattas a year: Frostbite (November), Spring (March), and the Summer Extravaganza (August). All rowers participate in these regattas. Hosting regattas requires many volunteers: set-up people, launch drivers, dock masters, finish line workers, food booth helpers, t-shirt sales people, and more. We will put out a call for volunteers through the Junior Crew Update (Constant Contact). Sign up for updates here.


Away Regattas

Getting your rowers to regattas can be challenging. Your child usually needs to be at the course significantly before the races begin, often very early in the morning. The coach will always specify the arrival time in advance. You provide transportation to local events. Green Lake Crew provides chartered buses for races outside the Seattle area. Note that not all rowers race at all venues.

Regatta costs are separate from program fees, and can vary from $45 for a local, one-day event, to several hundred dollars for multi-day events outside of Seattle. If your rower will be racing at a regatta, you will get as much advance notice as we can provide, with a cost breakdown and information about the regatta. At Green Lake Crew, we leave no rower behind for lack of funding, so please ask about financial aid if you need the assistance.

When the crew travels to regattas outside the Seattle area, chaperones are needed. Chaperones travel on the bus or plane with the team, sleep where the team sleeps (often on a gym floor), and help out wherever needed. The Junior Boosters provide food for the team at many regattas. Volunteers set up the food booth, cook, and serve throughout the day, helping to keep the rowers well fed and ready to row.



The GLC Juniors Uniform Team Store at JL Racing opens at the beginning of each season.

All rowers will need a team jersey or unisuit. We run a reduced-rate group order through JL Racing at the beginning of  each season, so watch for an email with ordering information. The GLSCC office also has some shirts, hats, etc. for sale.

[In an emergency, one-off orders for GLC uniforms can be made directly from JL Racing any time by calling them @ 800-831-3305, but please note that one-off orders have a higher price point and a longer turn-around than group orders]



Unless your teen is able to drive, you will need to arrange transportation to and from Green Lake. Metro Transit routes 16, 26, 48, and 358 serve the Green Lake area. Since practices are every weekday and time on the water is limited, make every effort to get your rower to crew on time. Note: half of each practice involves a land-based workout, and half is on the water. Typically, the boys are working out on land while the girls are on the water, and vice versa.



The coaches expect every rower to participate every day. If an absence is unavoidable, he or she must call the office by 3:00 p.m. and tell his or her coach that they will be absent. However, multiple absences will hurt the athlete’s chances for advancement.

Rowing continues through midwinter break (in February) and spring breaks (in March/April). Your rower’s success in crew depends to a significant extent on attendance. Please keep this in mind when making vacation plans. Coaches will encourage your family to avoid taking vacations during these school break times.